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The Seville Preservation Project (SPP) is dedicated to helping property owners navigate the preservation, restoration and renovation process for their own historic projects, in ways that adhere to the national standards for the treatment of historic properties.

Want to learn more? The SPP aims to be a resource to help property owners research the history of their historic homes and buildings, and the techniques used for their construction.

National Park Service Publication: The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (pdf)

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National Park Service: Technical Preservation Services develops historic preservation standards and guidance on preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings

Ohio History Connection: The State Historic Preservation Office is the official historic preservation agency of the State of Ohio. This recourse offers everything from a look at Ohio's historic buildings to state grants and incentives for owners of historic properties.

Ohio History Connection: The State Historic Preservation Office is the official historic preservation agency of the State of Ohio. This recourse offers everything from a look at Ohio's historic buildings to state grants and incentives for owners of historic properties. The most comprehensive database of financial resources, educational programs, and work-training opportunities for historic preservation, home & building restoration, cultural resources, and the arts. The online resource for historic preservation, building restoration and cultural resource management in the United States & Canada.

U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Acquisition and Property Management: Historic Preservation

© 2024 by Seville Preservation Project

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